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iDiscrete JB
10 years ago

protect media files from curious eyes (images and video)

App Tracker
10 years ago

Charts and stats of all your app usage.

10 years ago

Making facebook updates easy and extendable.

Hungry Yoshi
10 years ago

A unique location based WiFi game for the iPhone. Find access points which are plantations or Yoshis around your city, grow fruit and feed them to the Yoshis you find.

10 years ago

Oh No! You have been playing Hungry Yoshi all morning when you should have been packing away the fruit for delivery, and the boss is due back any second! Remember where the fruit should go and put them in the correct boxes as fast as you can, watch out though - the boxes are sliding around too!

Post Factory
10 years ago

build fun FB posts with quirky effects

10 years ago

Follow your moments and bring colour to the world with WorldPaint.

10 years ago

speed up animations throughout iOS

10 years ago

camera by drag iPad's lockscreen button

10 years ago

alert when battery truly fully charged