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Priority Hub
9 years ago

Organize lockscreen notifications

Show My Touch
9 years ago

Show?s your touch on any screen except SpringBoard

NoLockScreenDate for iOS8
9 years ago

hide iOS 8 Lock screen date & time

iBooks - Two Hands
9 years ago

requires holding the device with both hands

iBox for iOS7
9 years ago

iBox for iOS8?????iOS???????????????????????iBox?????????iOS?????

9 years ago

Stop apps from tracking you.

Applocker v. 2.3.5-1 ModMyi
9 years ago

Lock apps, folders, home screen layout and more!

Sticky v. 1.3.1 ModMyi
9 years ago

Sticky notes for your iDevice

9 years ago

Sega Master Sytem / Game Gear emulator!

9 years ago

Easily send an SMS to multiple recipients!