New and updated Cydia Tweaks by Recent Updates ↓

Arise v. 1.3.7 BigBoss
9 years ago

Alarms under your control!

9 years ago

Turn on the screen by tapping it!

Lookback Anywhere
9 years ago

Records screen, camera, touches etc of any app

FavBox Lite
9 years ago

Automatic offline files management for Dropbox.

9 years ago

4x4 folder icon grid and layout

iBox for iOS7
iBox for iOS7 v. BigBoss
9 years ago

iBox for iOS8?????iOS???????????????????????iBox?????????iOS?????

WhatsApp Blacklist
9 years ago

The first firewall for WhatsApp.

Disables new "Read Receipts" feature (two blue Vs)

reports keylogging, web history, screenshots & more

9 years ago

Disable iMessage Kept Receipts